Artificial Intelligence vs Machine learning vs Deep Learning In Simple Terms

Hey guys,

Hope you are safe and doing great in the lockdown and also learning new skills at this time. If you haven’t already then when you are going to do new things, just go and try it now!

“Change your life today. Don’t gamble on the future, act now, without delay.”

– Simone de Beauvoir 

Okay enough of motivations, now lets dive into the topic. Many beginners don’t know the difference between Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning. For most all three are the same. So let’s understand in a simple language how they are deferent.

What is Artificial Integent?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is something that pretends to be a human. It mimics the human mind. The tasks which usually done by humans now using AI machines can do. For example, taking decisions, recognize voice, images, find out people from the crowd, work as a translator, and many more things. isn’t it amazing!

Yes, it is Chandni 🙂

All these things are happening because of one magical thing which is data. With data, we can make a machine learn to perform different tasks. Let’s understand it with an example. When we were kids we don’t know anything our parents and our teacher taught us what aspecific thing or let’s say ‘alphabet A’ called. we see ‘alphabet A’ so many times, we practice it writing and reading and then we learn that it is ‘alphabet A’. The same way we make learn machines to perform task and it learns.

Simple enough?

Now you as you understand about AI. Let’s understand Machine Learning.

What is Machine Learning?

If you google this question you will found so many definitions but now let’s understand it in a simple language. Machine learning is a submodule of AI. It can be divided into three parts:

  • Supervise Learning
  • Unsupervised Learning 
  • Reinforcement Learning

Supervise learning is we need to train machine by adding rules and data to perform a task. Unsupervised Learning is Machine is capable enough to train itself to perform a task. Smart enough right! And Reinforcement Learning is a Machine that goes in a trial and error part. Which is tries to do something then learn from the experience and perform again, It kind of my life my rule. Don’t disturb me. LOL!

So you know about machine learning so now let’s understand about deep learning which is my personal favorite.

What is Deep Learning?

Deep Learning is a subset of machine learning. It uses to perform super complex tasks. When Machine learning usually works with structure data, deep learning can work with unstructured data. With deep learning, we can implement the human brain concept using the artificial neural network. Same as machine learning deep learning vided into the same three parts.

Hope you understand all three terms. I have tried to explain it in the most simplest. Now let’s summarize this with the actual blog title.

Artificial Intelligence vs Machine learning vs Deep Learning

Artificial Intelligence is a superpower. Machine Learning is a subset of Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning is a subset of Machine Learning. AI covers everything which you can think can be automated like robots, self-driving cars, a stock market prediction software, or anything. The sky is the only limit for that 🙂
Machine Learning is not the same as AI. It learns with time just like, when we were a kid we don’t know anything we start learning, slowly, and gradually we grow so as machine Learning. Deep Learning is a kind of Machine Learning but it is used with large datasets, which machine learning can not for most of the time. Deep Learning takes more amount of time for training in comparison to Machine Learning.
So these are points on how all these three terms are different from each other. I believe from now onward you will be able to answer this question what is the difference between Artificial Intelligence vs Machine learning vs Deep Learning?

Thank you for reading!
Keep Learning and Keep Coding 🙂

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